Saturday, November 22, 2008

Confessions of a Foodie

Everyone I know has an issue with food. Some people hate to think about it for various reasons and others love it too much. I fall into the "love it too much" camp. It's not just that I eat well, often and with gusto it's that I also think about food a lot. I'm a meal planner. Every week I draw up a dinner plan that includes a main dish and at least one side. I make notes in my recipe books.

When Jon gifted me with "How To Be A Domestic Goddess" and "Forever Summer" I was touched and I'm quite certain I got a little teary. I don't recall a display like that when he presented me with an engagement ring. So you see, I really am food centered. To the point of ridiculousness. I get excited when I know people are coming to stay. Knowing that I'm cooking for an audience (of more than my usual two) is exciting for me. An adventurous palate is preferred, but I've come to view the blander palate as a challenge as well, though begrudgingly. I mean, what is the point of a drawer filled with herbs and spices if I cannot use them? Interestingly, the most boring of palates never seem to mind salt, and I'm learning that salt is so much more than iodized sodium chloride.

Right now I have two types of sea salt - rock sea salt in a grinder and some grey, lacy fleur de sel that has a slightly mineral finish and melts oh so wonderfully into food. This afternoon I spied a display of coloured salts at Bulk Barn. If it wasn't for the outrageous price tags on these little jars I'd have bought the set. Hawaiian salt, Himalayan salt, flaked Australian salt, smoked salt, infused salts, oh my! A pastel array of pinks, greys, blues. I felt dizzy for a moment. And yes, I know these salts are just the food fashion of today. Fleur de sel and dark chocolate has become such a popular combination that it's nearly a gastronomical cliche. Even Lindt makes a fleur de sel product. However, the fact remains that I want this latest fad in my kitchen too. I want to play around with these ingredients, want to learn what I can by using them.

At the moment my parents are my house guests. They are both on low sodium diets so my gourmet salt wish list can be put on hold for now, but it doesn't stop me dreaming or drooling (I told you I have a problem). In the meantime I will cook food as tasty as it can be on limited seasonings (my parents prefer blander tastes in addition to their low sodium requirements) and plan at least one kick-ass dessert - Kate's Apple Pie with Luscious Caramel Sauce (recipe, Kate's; name, mine). Hey, it is made with unsalted butter.

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